Monday 13 February 2023

Homeschooling this month: Spanish field trip!

We're privileged to have a campervan & the means to take off for a couple of months, learning languages & meeting people (outdoors, masked up) on our travels. 

This week, I scaled mountains that were so steep & gravelly I had to slide back down on my arse. Sheer drop if I lost my footing. No room for error. I was first up & first down. The fitness & agility of a mountain goat. 15 yo & husband close behind. They both also mountain biked up undulating mountain roads with sheer drops either side. Days ended by dipping in the sea or river plunge pools. Physical & mental health are inextricably linked. SARS2 comes after both, so, damn right I'll do whatever it takes to safeguard my health & that of my family for as long as it takes.

Wouldn't feel safe doing these activities in Ireland now that the health system has flatlined. Hospitals are still safe spaces in Spain (France, Germany....). Masks remain mandatory in healthcare settings so whatever I go in with at least I know I'm unlikely to be gifted a SARS2 disease while there. 

Great TV report by TODAY. If you're not scared of  catching SARS2, you really should be. Fear based on real threats serve a purpose: Survival💪

"Doctors and researchers are beginning to see connection between COVID surges and heart attacks. and Senior Medical Correspondent for share more" 👇

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