Tuesday 6 June 2023

4) One day our children will ask what we did to prevent them being exposed to Covid

 This from September 2021: https://www.independent.ie/opinion/comment/one-day-our-children-will-ask-what-we-did-to-prevent-them-being-exposed-to-covid/40820869.html


"In July, the ECDC warned, “It’s well established that children can be infected by and transmit SARS-CoV-2...Variants of concern show increased transmissibility, it’s therefore important to note that both susceptibility and infectiousness of children aged one to six are substantially higher compared with previous variants”

Nphet's role in downplaying the risks posed by Covid to children will be an enduring, shameful legacy".

"Over the first three waves of the pandemic a total of 300 Irish children were admitted to hospital and the HPSC reported that 72pc of children admitted to ICU did not have underlying conditions. As of August 30, there were zero paediatric ICU beds available in Ireland.

With no margin of error, our Government and Nphet still shun the precautionary principle".

"According to architect Orla Hegarty, good masks and HEPA filtration can cut indoor risks by 90pc. They cost roughly €10 per child, and I’m struggling to understand Norma Foley’s refusal to do this unless the plan is to achieve population immunity through mass infection of children. The World Health Organisation’s Mike Ryan decried that as “moral emptiness and epidemiological stupidity”...

"The WHO and Unicef have called for robust mitigations to ensure school safety, including masks, ventilation, distancing and effective track, trace and isolate. None of these exist in Irish primary schools. Public health and safety is the Government’s responsibility".

"If the Government continues to expose our children to harm, it’s our job to protect them. Unless parents are prepared to say, “We do not consent to exposing our children to Covid infection at school which could saddle them with long-term disability, congenital disorders, organ failure and cognitive deficiency”, our consent will be presumed tacit.

One day, our children will ask what we did to prevent them being exposed to infection when masks and inexpensive HEPA filtration systems could have prevented them from ­getting sick.

Sending our under-12s to school with masks or chipping in for air filters are viable options. Deferential acquiescence is not".

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