Friday 6 October 2023

To protect yourself from SARS-CoV-2 induced heart attacks this Autumn: Wear a hat

 Agitated octogenarian: Why are you wearing that?

Me: I know it's a bit mangy but my great great great granny knitted this hat 2,453 years ago out of twigs fashioned from a Rowanberry tree, steam dried over a skillet of boiled coddle, so out it comes every autumn!

Notably less agitated Octogenarian: Ha ha... no the mask. Looks like you're geared up for a bioweapon apocalypse

Me: -

The lovely man went on to tell me how terrified he used to be about catching covid. Masked everywhere until he got infected by a healthcare professional. Told me it was mild. Six months later he had a heart attack: "Much worse than covid" says he. Doesn't bother masking anymore.

Just dropping this heartbreaking thread here that marked world heart day. Huge thanks to VicMidnightSun for this incredibly useful resource💪😇

Spoiler: "Compared to uninfected people, this group was around 40% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and five times more likely to die during the 18 months afterwards."👇💔

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