Tuesday 11 June 2024

Going off-piste: Our winter in lockdown hell with nothing but fellow sheep to keep us company...

Year 5 of the pandemic & something extraordinary is happening. Words have taken on new meaning, pivoting to the politically manufactured pretend "reality" Being the only one in a room wearing  a mask in the middle of an airborne pandemic = following the herd, constant sickness = normal, not wanting to be constantly sick & making others sick = abnormal, advocating for clean air in schools & refusing to consent to your child being forcibly infected with a level 3 biohazard - repeatedly = a referral to social services 😬

Ice breaker 😍

Will he or won't he...🤔

No messing about: Ice bath ala Wim Hof 💪👇

Off-piste 😬

"Are you still alive?" 😄

Smores & hot cocoa o' clock 😊

Cook up of freshly caught fish by the lake, followed by an evening dip - not for the faint hearted 🥶

Forest bathing & mucking about!

Living in fear 👇

Swinging it!

Lovely sunsets 

Leo Varadkar launches affordable eco housing plan 👇

Happy birthday to the strongest, kindest, smartest. most talented human I know. I want to be like you when I grow up 💗💞😎 Celebrated outdoors (in December) with friends, firepit, blankets, hot dogs, smores & campfire jamming & sing songing

Home ed cookery: Chocolate chip cookies. They look scrummy but they'd crack your teeth

Home ed music 😎

Living in fear: No wetsuits for these sheep taking a lakeside evening dip - there were lots!

Rain doesn't stop cool kids/sheep hanging on the moors. Rumor has it a picnic was had 😍

You're never too old to climb a tree


First Soda bread I've made this winter, accompanied by our homemade crab apple jelly. Yum!

Home made scones - with & without cocaine....If you're not a Father Ted fan, you won't get that 🤷

Construction workers building Leo Varadkar's affordable housing

Cat napping 😻

Last Spring: Skinning a pigeon for the pot. Caught with a sling shot👇

Living in fear last winter too - in France & Spain.

It looks like he's relaxed but underneath this cool, calm, happy exterior, living in fear & being deprived of constant sickness is really taking its toll 😎

Teen woodland shenanigans 👇

Posting self composed riffs on Indaband & watching the claps pour in 😍😎💪⭐

Squeezing freshly picked oranges from the tree outside for breakfast. Last winter in Spain 

Wild swimming in a remote river & waterfall in Spain

Winter is the best time to visit castles: Drawbridge up!

Teens getting water in their wellies - coz they're sheep

Our cat posing on the garden wall outside the kitchen window 😻

Breaking: One of Santa's elves spotted on castle grounds 😍

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