Tuesday 2 July 2024

SARS-CoV-2 is surging globally: Demand the reinstatement of universal masking in healthcare now

 Today's Indo article👇



"Why is the HSE’s IPC hospital guidance so at odds with the science? Why has it not been updated to include the World Health Organisation’s “indoor airborne risk assessment” findings? Instead, former IPC lead, Professor Martin Cormican’s publicly expressed “anti-mask” stance seems baked into HSE guidance.

The European Centre for Disease Control recently reported almost 44,000 patients contracting infections, predominately SARS-CoV-2, in Irish hospitals, ranking Ireland as having one of the lowest levels of hospital masking in Europe. French and UK hospitals have reinstated mask mandates.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Stephen Donnelly has washed his hands of all responsibility".

".....The BMJ, the British Medical Association’s journal, reported “unequivocal evidence that SARS2 is airborne”, noting: “[Hospital] infections occur despite strict contact and droplet precautions and reduce when airborne precautions are added.” Respirator masks are a vital IPC tool.

Last week, a study found that when Swiss hospitals switched to a more stringent mask policy “the percentage of healthcare-associated infections subsequently declined”. 

"...Medica haven't been informed of more than 400,000 studies documenting the harm caused by SARS2 infections. That a recent study revealed people who recovered from "mild" Covid lose around three IQ points, a further two IQ points on reinfection and that another recent peer-reviewed study showed that 90pc of long-Covid patients had mild or asymptomatic initial infections" 

"Given the extent of known harms, no informed doctor should ever refuse a patient’s request to don a respirator mask so they can access healthcare safely.

While patients and staff breathe disease-laden hospital air, occupants of Leinster House breathe fresh air pumped in at 10 exchanges per hour. Everyone’s vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2, especially our vulnerable.

Politicians and their lackeys gave us permission to stop caring about them. We grabbed it. We traded our humanity and health for brunch and lipstick".

Stay safe: Mask up, crack open windows, meet outdoors, stay at home when sick & get boosted if you can. Do it for yourself, your loved ones & your community đź’“

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